Wednesday, 26 June 2013
tak sabar
very very very not enough time. bangun, kerja, balik praktis, tidor. ULANG......
BUT this is what i really want to feel. so ALHAMDULILLAH...
tak sabar nak buat entry pasal kerja ni....
tunggu eh?
ada eh orang tunggu? hahaha.
sukati lah.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Penny: why you sit here? why don't you go and watch a movie?
Sheldon: watch movie? you mean alone?
Penny: ya, why not?
Sheldon: what if I'm choke with popcorn? who gonna help me?
Penny: don't order a popcorn then.
Sheldon: movie without popcorn? are you ______? urgh.
Penny: I don't get you. why don't you go to restaurant and sitting there?
Sheldon: You mean alone?
Penny: Ya, why not?
Sheldon: How can I sure when I'm leaving for a toilet, nobody touch my food?
Penny : ###***####
ya, me too! i hate for doing anything alone. but sometimes we need it for make we think ahead about us, future, creator, etc etc. plus, not so much option left when finished the study.
adaptinggg! hehehe.
gangs! all just fall apart. :(
partner in love and crime. muehehehehe!
it's quite rare for me to do things alone bcs of u gaiz! ;( MISS OVERNIGHT.
____________________________________________. IMY. =(
p/s: aku tak boleh tidor dah ni. apa laa nasib esok time training. mati la mengantokk. isk. ;(
first day at UTS telemarketer executive.
Assalamualaikum =)
syukur everything was went well. ALHAMDULILLAH ALLAH, aku dapat pegi balik jumpa kawan - kawan yang best! overall all just ok!
nak cerita banyak sangat penat dah ni. betol betol nak tido je ni rasa dia.
basically tadi sampai tu while waiting for the process, dok jap dalam uts punya kelas. then, siap all process IC and all, semua pegi kat maple suite masuk conference room dia for training.
briefing from HR, ahem dengar pasal elaun apa suma tuu, rambang sikit mata i nampak duit hikhik, then petang recruitment team punya briefing. tak bosan best gilaaa, sebab trainer dia tak la pokpek sorang sorang. so.... BEST AH!
dah la, nak tido. pedih mata. esok nak bangun awal. nak mencari rezeki lagi. halah halahh poyo habis habis tau. haha.
em em all and all hopefully this not wasted for me to try. Aminnn.

meet my new friends! hehe. =) jap takde gamba aku kena ada lagi satu. haha
six pack gitewww! tunggu laa sebulan keja sini habis six pack tu semua aku burn! tunggu...
Monday, 17 June 2013
i need to climb that stairs
another things that i hate while be at a free state is STALKING. ya by having almost 24 hours in a bed with no commitment and life (urgh), this stalking-thing is destroyed my mind a lot! A LOT! AAAAA LOTTTTT!
there is a girl, who i can't say much besides that, SHE IS SO LUCKY!
born in the rich family + smart (not just smart, it's very smart) + having a super duper great friends + never alone + got prizes all the day + delicious food + very pretty + romantic partner + etc + etc. name all the greatest thing you want, she have it.....
so how come meyh i am not jealous? F jealous. sapa tak nak hidup cam tu kan?
percaya aturan Allahh... percaya Qada' dan Qadar Allah.... syukur atas apa kita ada. --------- >>>> this is what i keep telling myself over and over when me in unstable feel toward this.
life is full of choice. make a effort on the choices you have! effort + doa + effort + doa + effort + doa. inshaAllah with Allah bless we can get it. all in our hand and His will.
as it for me?
i'm not naturally born to have those kinds of greatest things. BUT I AM SO GRATEFUL TO ALLAH.
in front of me, there are few stairs. I need to choose a stair which lead to the life that I want. It's so high! with patience, with effort, with support, with Allah will, I may climb them one-by-one.
Ya Allah, make this happen for me. THIS? my life aim's.
Bismillah..... =)
nasi goreng
Assalamualaikum =)
ahme nasi goreng pon nak buat entry kee? kecoh lah kecohh. =p
these two days I just found out yang nasi goreng tu sedap! serius baru found out, after almost 24 years living in this earth. haha.
selama ni, nasi goreng ni makanan yang hilangkan mood aku kat rumah.
"umi malam ni masak apa?"
"nasi goreng ok?"
"tinggalkan sikit nasi putih, nanti akak cari lauk sendiri"
kalau pergi kedai makan, nasi putih, tomyam. ini jek. tak penah tukar. tetambah kat awe tu. sampai kalo aku call, "tomyam dengan nasi putih eh kak?" okayy.
tapi semalam, I mean Ahad, masa makan malam aku dengan ragu ragu dan takot tak sedap nya pegi la order nasi goreng daging merah, tak nak sayur, tak nak bawang goreng. sayur and bawang goreng are seriously my enemy!
then the nasi sampai, test one, WOW!
and today, i variety the order by change to nasi goreng kampung. pun sedap jugak. ni baru habis makan. sedap sungguh2 sedappp!
ah, gonna missed awe for sure. ;(
so lepas ni boleh laa tukar fevret baru. tapi umi cakap dee tu gems sebab nasi goreng. and me?
say no to lelemaks!!!!
gonna start my work in two days.
esok unpack barang rumah nenek.
esok itu dan ini.
i need a busy life for make a day and night moving fast. ko tengok jela, kalo aku free entry pon bosan bosan je. tak yah kau je rasa bosan nak baca, aku nak taip pon BOSANNN!
p/s: takde ah gamba nasi goreng. moja cakap (dia tiru harith iskandar cakap) mentally ill people je yang snap snap gambar before makan. FINE!
Saturday, 15 June 2013
pengalaman interview telemarkerter BSN.
Assalamualaikum =)
dari entry entry lepas lagi, aku ada cerita how i'm desperately need job. why? bcs of thousand reason. one of it..... I REST TOO LONG!
memang lah belaja ni penat (AHEM), tapi dia tak la penat sangat. so calculate the times I studied since kindergarten, it's been 19 years hokayy! omaigadd that's too long.
so let me out of that track for a while. inshaAllah, ada rezeki nak sambung lagi. why? bcs no matter how bored the student life is, but told ya it's moreee exciting. learn new thing, improve this and that, blah blah blah. DAMN BEST! pray for me for that. Aminnn
okk, mana cerita pengalaman ni? here i start.
since i'm desperately need job, so every day i scrolled at,, for find a work. scrolled apply, scrolled apply. then got few interviews and mana mana yang itew rasa best je iteww pegi. tapi most of the jobs yang aku pegi tu, yang mana aku rasa best tu laa, semua nak transkrip. mana nak ada transkrip lagi, baru abis kannn. result final sem tak dapat lagi. hmph. hmph.
so, till last of my job hunter, i went to BSN TELEMARKETING interview. halaaa hat ada kat mudah hari hari tuu. aku pon tak tau la dia nak bape banyak pekerja. haha.
before pegi tu, was was habis. nak pegi ke tak? search here and there. apa telemarketer ni? seronok ke tak? tahan ke aku? asal dia nak reramai ni? keja ni betol ke tak? blahblahblahh..
sampai kan pagi before pegi tu pon, aku dah rasa rasa tak nak pegi. but lucky, perancangan Allah tu baik, dan ya best for me, end up after submit my research on Friday, i went to jalan raja chulan for interview. ALONE! motip highlight alone? macam nak tunjuk indi indi gituu. haha
damn not so easy for walk here and there alone. want to eat but ya alone, cancel it. want to buy things at the pasar nearer to monorail, alone... ahh next time lah. BUT, the greatest thing for be alone is..... I GOT MANY NEW FRIENDS! what u expect kan? dah sorang sorang tu tegor jela sapa sapa yang baik hati. and ya they pretty nice!
interview conducted in group. as for my group we have 6 people. i can't remember the interviewer name's but she's Chinese and VERY WELCOMING! look at her style of talking, briefing, interviewing and all makes me feel like, PERHAPS THIS IS WHAT I WANT. cewahh
aku memang nak cari keja yang work environment dia very supportive, energetic, etc etc. memang nak! so.... no wonder la aku excited kan?
interview questions are so easy. but easy pon prepare lah kan. tak yah nak hebat sangat datang bawak sardin buat macam company sendiri. mihmihmih. but ya don't worry too much lah, just again be prepare.
and.... along the interview, dia banyak suruh kita tanya tau. dorang dorang yang very berpengalaman ni memang tahu la apa nak tanya. aku.... em em aku tanya pasal work location jek. haha.
masa tanya tu, ada la sorang ni tanya....
"how much the basic that you will give us?"
"it's depends on the product and o the experience you have. blahblahblah"
so subjective kan jawapan dia? masa ni aku cuak dah. kot laa depends dia tu sampai 500 je basic mati lah akuuu... but no worry. masa dah diterima tu, she called us back one-by-one for confirm and accept us then that time she stated the basic. mine.... em em 1500. dia kata fresh graduate. me....
yah that was fine. nak expect apa sangat kan, baru sangat sangat habis belaja. cuba lah dulu mana mana kerja pon. aku memang bajet asal sampai 1500 pon ok dah tuu.. just me need to struggle more for get the commission. inshaAllahh...
so ni jela kot cerita pengalaman interview. nanti aku cerita pengalaman kerja pulak. hehe.
ada ke yang baca? takpeee. at least memory for me later. hehe.
picture? don't have. takkan pegi sorang sorang nak bergambo bagai. malu lah dohh!
okbai! =)
Friday, 14 June 2013
this is a wall.
pretty wall i could say.
i ever imagine to have a house which covered by this kind of wall.
the brick price for this wall?
naaahhh, i never want to know.
it's my imagination. isn't me said that before?
the wall is the wall.
look, touch, take picture with it, inspired it, etc etc.
but behind the wall who know's what inside?
then now, I am that wall.
i wish everything inside me flow smoothly.
as smooth as ____________.
finished my research paper and all. wish for having time to write abt that.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
current me
Assalamualaikum =)
got to many things to think of. boleh beruban semua rambut rambut atas kepala if things just in this way now.
the unfinish reearch nya.
the ___________
the ___________
the barang barang lagi
the ___________
the ___________
and things getting worst when there is no more people I close with to talk to. (APASAL BI CAM HARAM NIH? GRRR)
but Allah tu sungguh sungguh maha penyayang. maha mengetahui. maha mengasihi.
at least I have Him to talk to in pray, to cry with in sujud.
at least I have umi who always call. (actually she knows nothing. but I know she suspecting something. sebab tu rajin call
at least i have m2s to be with me in tears and laugh. thanks for always be with me!
at least I have roommates always listen to my crazy voice and story. haha. (syukur lah, even we fall apart in this sem, sebab busy, at the end we still having tome together.)
at least I have friends for eating sometimes. (how i wish I could tell everything! but I can't. hmph)
sungguh syukur sangat....
and I am pretty sure, Allah won't let me going through the tough matters more than I can face.INSHAALLAH.
so everything just in control. just ya.......... __________________________
i missed the empty brain of me! haha. empty brain and the full of joys. =)
Sunday, 9 June 2013
feel like writing
Assalamualaikum =)
ya feel like writing tu kau paham paham jela. feel + like + writing. feeling writing, memang celoteh panjang lebar. jap rindu celoteh sampai lebamm. muahaha.
apa ni merapu saja? apa ni? FEEL LIKE WRITING khenn. so.....
tak nak baca pangkah lah. tak payah kutuk kata itew tulis panjang bajet hot. gwa tak suruh lu klik baca pon der. hukolohhhh...
okeh dah. FEEL LIKE WRITING yang elok elok sikit. ahemm.
ok tadi time lipat lipat baju yang dah kalah bukit tabur belakang uia tu, aku dengar la prof muhaya islam itu indah tu. ini macam ceramah yang best gwa cakap lu. aku pon bukan minat sangat nak dengar ceramah (astagfirullah) tapi yang ni memang best. lagi best dari UAI. UAI tu best tapi kite dop pahang sangak ah die kecek gape. huduhhh nanang. booo booo.
so topik apa aku tak ingat. tapi relate to dress code, attire. em em em.
'delete system about what people say. keep thinking on what you want (for positive side ah)'
'kita nak dengar apa orang cakap kee, nak ikut apa Allah cakap?'
'yada yada yada...'
alaaa banyak lah yang best best ayat dia. buat otak aku macam dijentik jentik untuk pikir.
i ever try. istiqamah sat saja pastu biasa balik. aku tak dak la tahap yang seksi keluar bijik mata tuu. tapi ya selagi tak betul betul menutup aurat, seksi la jugak orang cakappp.
so now i am wondering to the bone. ada eh to the bone? ah belasah!
apa eh nak tulis kat sini. malas.
still searching. aku tak expect aku tetiba pakai jubah hitam semua tu, cumanya aku nak ke arah kebaikan.
I'm still searching. identity complexity at this age? so left behind ah you ni. -piaget ke erikson said. haha.
so.... wish to find the suits me well later. kbai.
nah tengok lah gamba kakak kakak tebiat bergwiyomi. haha. I LOVE YOU GAIZ DAMN MUCH! =)
Thursday, 6 June 2013
hembus hembus nafas.
Assalamualaikum =)
ambik kau betol betol tak sempat tidor. tu la omey omey sangat malas buat awal awal slide je pon kononnn.. sekali.... stuck sana sini campur salah makan, baru tau rasa....
aku dah siap baca orang tweet 'jumaat mubarak' jadi 'jumaat muratabak' kih kih. kelip kelip mata otak aku pikir apesal jumaat murtabak? sekali kali ke sepuluh baru perasan, MUBARAK LA OIH!
jap lagi aku doa dapat baca slides elok elok ja la.
ala nak tulis pon dah mengantok. okbai nak mandi.
Monday, 3 June 2013
first year entry
Assalamualaikum =)
dah bulan June. dah nak dekat 11 June. which the last day we can stay at the hostel. sad? VERY LA HOIH!
aku ingat lagi....
aku ingat lagi first year dulu, aku sembang dengan kakak tim kot. 'untunglaa akak dah nak habis...' 'alaa ko pon nanti habis gak. kejap jek, tak yah risau'
kejap? damn long. dari orang baru nak kawen, laa ni hat yang kawen tu dah dua anak. tapi tak kisah pon. I GOT LOT OF SWEETS, BITTERS, SOURS, etc etc.
first year dulu aku 42kg jek. makan sehari sekali dah cukup. siap beli pil kuning nak gemok baq ang! laaa ni.... ahem ahem!
first year dulu aku mana buas. abis abis lepak jalan tar. next week lagi jalan tar lagi. jauh sikit TS. aktiviti.... shopping, main bowling, wayang. sampai aku nak muntah keluar darah dah buat benda ni semua. sebab tu sekarang tak payah ajak aku tengok wayang, bcs that's not my thing dah. i'm too old for that stuff. pastu aku marah dengan orang hat bayaq mahal mahal sebab nak makan. makan je punnn. kenyang hilang! sekarang...... FOOD LOVES ME, AND I LOVE IT TOO!
first year dulu.... konflik kawan kawan tu banyakkkk sangat! tak tau laa apa yang aku jaki sangat dengan kawan kawan aku. padahal kawan kawan sama je dari dulu sampai sekarang. but maybe we just know each other and the adaptation starts from conflict and learning. kot. hehe. BUT NOW I'M GLAD FOR HAVING ALL OF THEM! muahhhh.
first year dulu bf aku lain. talk abt different thing, share different interest, hanging out at different places, fighting for different reasons, etc etc. dia tak penah jadi cuka pon dalam hidup aku. even dah ex, i learn many things from him. ada yang baik ada yang buruk. semua tuu proses pembesaran aku... thank you for that. =) (awak jangan jeles eh. entry awak hari hari ada. kah kah kah)
first year dulu aku skema gila viva. skema yang sampai.... I MEMORIZED ALL MY NOTES! no joke, i did it for real. sebab tu boleh la nak merasa DL sekejapp. tapi lama lama..... makin berusia makin malas. kah kah.
first year dulu, aku merapu kat blog lain. gila followers masa tu. gila outspoken yer jugak. macam mana aku boleh rajin nak tengok manusia and write abt them. banyak gila masa aku dulu.... tapi best. i know many different people back then. ahh many things lah i learn from blogging. sebab tu, berbelog lah korang.... IT HELPS A LOT. helps apa? try dulu....
apa lagi eh?? emm emm. haa FACEBOOK. first year dulu, aku hot stuff kat fb. muahahaha. perasan gila! mana tak hot stuff entry nak bajet bajet je. so bukan hot stuff ah maksudnya itu attention seeker. aku eh tu dulu? gila geli ingat balik. haha.
sapa pon aku sebelum ni, memalukan kee, membanggakan kee, aku bersyukur atas semua peluang. (MACAM DAPAT AWARD PULAK HAA.) be a cheesy girl, spicy girl, black pepper girl, onion pon penah, salty, sweety, etc etc. apa macam describe abang burn nih? LAPA LAGI! isk.
macam bodoh ada jugak bila pikir balik. but ya.... THANKS ALLAH FOR ALL OF THAT EXPERIENCES! the exploration phase u let me to going through is such a very great chances i ever had.
explore pastu failed pastu belaja sesuatu lepas tu grown up a little bit and keep moving forward. AHH INDAH SANGAT HIDUP! syukur sangat sangat.
macam mana nak habiskan entry ni? macam tak jumpa titik berenti.
tapi sedih takde gambar. semua gone with the previous laptop. isk! imagine sendiri la ehh. kbai! =)
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Assalamualaikum =)
last three weeks i was busy with my settle down everything for my internship so i ignored this.
last two weeks i was busy with case presentation so i ignored this.
last week i was busy with finish up all the documentations so i ignored this.
then when i ready to open this.... I WAS F SHOCK!
jom tengok sama sama
nampak? chapter 1 new, baru sampai problem statements? adududududu....
yang lama dah siap but it turns to be not so ok kot. so....
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