Thursday, 13 December 2012

KBIG 2012 =)

Assalamualaikum =)

i was in the middle of developing my lesson plan, and suddenly.... stuck! stuck bcs, i can't think any of the story related with culture shock. why culture shock? surprise, surprise. (sebut macam kak lisa surihani kau kat MLM tu) ;p

currently at home, but.... yeah still need to do the homework. lesson plan. this Monday, turn to become one of my big day jugak lah. bcs, my turn to do the method teaching. ahem! sementara the others family members are not here yet, tak kacau, tak ajak borak, better do this. sementara ada mood. kang dah start keluar, memang tak buat dah la kan.

apa nih, tajuk KBIG? mana? mana?


K.B.I.G is Kem Bina Insan Guru. that's one of the compulsory camp for the teachers in IIUM, i'm not sure about the others IPG or UNI. But my university, MUST join this. i'm not in a mood at first bcs, the date was delayed many times you know. October, November, end up December. dari abang Ummu tu nak nikah sampai nak buat kenduri sambut menantu, baru la KBIG nih become real.

kata blog girlfriends kan? haa, tepek gambo girlfriends dulu lah.

BUT, i em so excited! bcs, dah lama tak rasa join program yang kita join as participants and just follow the tentative, module, etc-etc. normally, join program mesti kena jadi committee. which, before the program je dah penat kepala otak, semasa program penat, selepas pon penat. but this time, pegi jek. ikot je apa list barang tu cakap.

ahem, of course la i Google-google dulu kan tempat nih cane, selesa ke tak, weather dia cane. takkan nak pergi tanpa bersedia, buat tak cukup itu ini tak nayo den?

so, Jumaat, as early as 8AM we ols berangkat dari edu. sampai around 12PM kot. met pok nik yang super funny which change my first impression spontaneously. lepas tu sesi masuk bilik. dia bebaskan jugak ahli bilik, tambah best! cuma yang tak best is MASAK SENDIRI. ada berenti kat R&R Temerloh makan-makan. aku yang sombong bajet nak makan chalet nih, siap tak makan sebab selalu join program yang kat chalet ke hotel ke makan mesti sedap. saving space la kan nak makan sedap. sekali kau......

the cooking crew! see, see... busy nak mampps masing-masing. but this is the most memorable moment told chu!

but after all, till the last day, the cooking part is most memorable lah. mana tak memo, gain lots and lots experience. tak experience yang direct pon yang indirect. like, mesti pandai masak, mesti kena expert! sebab nanti pergi rumah mak mentua, cane nak bawak diri? ohhh. that's too scary! but not so bad, at the end of the day, dah reti potong ayam. dah reti kot masak campak-campak macam dorang. tengok dorang masak campak-campak jek sedap jugak. but never practice this yet, tapi rasanya boleh kot.

while the survival cooking moment. survival habis time nih. ok continue nanti. nih special moment habis la cakap lu.

emmm...... so petang tu start la segala aktiviti! takde yang tak awesome lah. semua awesome! and..... hahahaha.

there is one activity that i can't even forget. dia ala-ala flying fox, tapi dia kena jalan. walking fox. ada ke? tapi itu lah. aku meniti tali tu dengan jiha. baru tiga empat langkah, aku mintak patah balik tapi....... tak dibenarkan. Masya-Allahhh... along the titian tu, aku diam, senyap tak kata apa. jiha dok buat lawak pon aku senyap jek. malas layan. takot wey! sumpah takot!!! takot satu, penat dia tak payah cakap la kan. kalo penat berkayak, ada Hah tolong kayuhkan, tapi kalo penat meniti tu???

banyak kali aku ulang rasa nak lepas tangan, rasa nak pengsan, BUT... till the finishing point i em able to finish it! masa tu... nak mengalir air mata. bukan sebab penat, eh sebab penat jugak, tapi sebab terlalu tak sangka. see, kadang-kadang kita selalu underestimate diri kita. padahal we can do it. tapi suka give up tengah jalan. serius ini yang aku rasa. so, balik tu macam well-motivated la sikit! so for the LE 4000, for sure i won't give up! i won't! i won't! madam, how dare you? isk. isk.

apa nih? hahaha. ok sambung balik....

emmm, we had the chance to design and do the replica. ahem, masa nih, rasa bertuah jugak la. selalu dengar mr. M2S tu je dok cerita pok pek pasal design, but on that day..... i had a chance! yeay. pastu my group send me as the representative for present the mosque, oh ya our group we design the mosque. the next day, invent the terompah. this on pon is quite best, but pity me. sampai second day je Ella the rockers to masuk dalam diri. suara hilang, and.... yaaa all i can do is, keje belakang tabir. takpela! penting jugak apa? haha.

the upper view of our mosque replica! isn't it awesome??? group mates, y'al are so awesome!!! love, love, love.

the module and games... serius best! i wish i will never forget them. how precious they are! kau ada ke cara cemana nak mengubah orang yang gila bapak ketegaq jadi punctual? pok nik buat senang je. 'saya kecewa sangat-sangat dengan awak. blahblah....' (err blahblahblah nih not too long lah) the next day, the boys in my group yang ingatkan kiteorang, the girls datang awal and be punctual! mak oih, masa ni aku teros nampak how effective the 'freedom-in-control' can shape the teen. err teen ke adult yer we ols nih? confuse. arghh!

the group mates yang awesome tu! no kidding they really are!! masing-masing kan hebat and ada chemistry yang tak payah cakap pon boleh paham. like, kalo dah tengok orang lain busy masak, ada je yang tolong hidupkan api, cari kayu api, bawak pelam, kelapa, basuh pinggan. pendek kata, saling paham. tak payah masam muka, tak payah benci muntah. guys, i missed our team works! dengan ada hot mommy yang pandai masak campak-campak, ada ayah, ada gosip! ahemm. BEST!

sunburn yang ala negro pon boleh jugak nih. mujur 4 hari je, kalo extend seminggu..... rasa pakai spek hitam je nanti tengok muka member-member sendiri. =)

sekali je pok nik marah, not marah just bebel-bebel manja, teros masalah timing selesai. tak pakai wisel. tak pakai siren. on 3PM, semua ready. on 6AM semua ready. peh. peh. sampai aku yang selalunya take 5 or few minutes after the time pon berubah jugak. fuhh.

sebab tu environment sangat mempengaruhi. you stay with the people yang memang solat awal waktu, automatically you will do the same. stay with people yang punctual, same goes to you.

ok lah. nak tengok umi buat apa tu. bunyi blender. lesson plan... will continue next time! err tonight la kot. orang tu kan busy gila! yela submission dia dah dekat. dulu masa submission nih dia hilang seminggu laa ni mujuq ada jugak kadang-kadang tu. but isokayy! we are getting older. kalo tak message bukan makna tak ingat kan? let's find the free time later on. lama tak naik train, tak makan lama-lama, tak buat dialog orang-orang lalu-lalang.... yeah do all the dating stuff. nanti lah lepas final exam. kot. ;)

errr FSP is coming! seems like i need a new mood to start all over this. hmphh. hmphh. cheer up please.... =)


p/s: pictures... credit to Marizal Manan and my BB yang lopeks! harap lepas ni ada lagi mood nak sambung cerita pasal each module in detail. untuk kenangan sendiri. inshaAllah... =)