Wednesday, 20 February 2013

random sejuta benda.

Assalammualikum =)

1) what em i doing? got the wireless in my room. very fast! oh ya Alhamdulillah. at least now i don't need to pay for broadband. BUT.... ya, i keep blogwalking , blogwalking , blogrunning .... till tired and .. sleep! what iz that? playing with my life now huh? you think you still have time for it? come on... ni bisik hati kanan. hati kiri, eh lek lu beb! degree baru, lepak-lepak sikit. huk oloh, teo ais ikat tepi betol! isk isk. and... as usual hati kiri menang. ni dah masuk dua malam dah ni. isk. isk.

2) walking with the same shoe, same friends at the danau. got money in the wallet. got the parking not so hard la. but step on the first shop yawning. isokay lah yawning je pon. then, next shop.... wow bag! i want one. but why they are just a typical bag? why they are so boring? next shop, oh damn what i want to buy? should save some for.... ish jimat, jimat. eh apa nak beli eh? apa semua baju tak cantik ni ek? yada yada. end up going back with nothing pon. sups galz? sups? isk.

3) babbling is not the hard thing! say anything 40 students want to listen to you. BUT, am i babbling the fact? how this thing can help them? the front students are too innocent! i love them, but after all of course should give attention to the naughty one. what if the innocent turn to jerk and need attention as the back students? oh maiii oh maiii. how to be fair? GOOGLE and LEARN! instead of blogwalking gossip rumah tangga? =p

4) what did they think about me? this question can't stop flowing! till, i strive too hard to be the best! but.... it's not so success bcs ya you pretend to be somebody else. how that can be good? awak salu kata, 'you so good in the way you are!' this like a mantra la to me bila dah goyah risaukan what the student think about me. moralnya... JANGAN SELALU PIKIR PASAL ORANG, SEBAB NANTI KITA YANG TERMAKAN APA YANG KTA PIKIRKAN KE ORANG! faham???? talking to myself. no need to nod lah. ;)

5) makin hari makin sayang is a good thing. but should keep praying, moga sayang ini sayang dan cinta kerana Allah. bla bla bla bla. Allah, pelihara kami. aminnn.

6) why people love to catch the 'thing' that is hard to get? why don't they just live with everything in front of them? WHY? big WHY. or it just me? isk isk.

7) esok dan esok dan esok dan esok adalah pelajaran dan pengalaman baru buat aku, buat engkau. semoga all those new thing will be something on us. and keep IMPROVE. da tu camana nak improve kalo asyik update blog luahkan perasaan saja? haa? haaa?

okbai! =)