Monday, 1 July 2013
perancangan Allah...
Assalamualaikum =)
hi chuols! ok tak payah buat buat mood ceria. broken buat cara broken. bcs it's sound bapok while I'm pretending happy. err.
so..... tajuk dah macam orang kena kawen paksa dah kan. hahaha. bukan bukan. ini pasal.... aaaa pasal.....
ok last entry told you that i want to write about the job experiences kan? so....
will write it. of course bcs it's a great moment and very good experience. will not just keep it alone, will share just....
apa ni kata best, kata awesome, kata blah blah blah sekali resign. apa ni? apa ni? macam penipu jek.....
ok ok cam ni lah. betol lah. awesome betol, great betol, semua betol but...... IT'S A CONVENTIONAL INSURANCE. what's wrong with conventional?
read this link. it's a new experience and new knowledge for me too. so I want u gaiz do read and understand this too. bcs it's not wasted pon malah dapat laa tambah tambah ilmu secara indirect. BACA TAU! tetiba nak caps lock. haha.
okay, so..... now i'm jobless. esok nak start pegu job hunter lagi. wish me luck ya!!
pasal kerjaa tu.... nanti lah ehh.
now broken mood. isk isk. ;(