Sunday, 27 January 2013

because i won't

'will text you later, i'm not in the good mood'
'tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me....' -of course it's not just this, he always playing with the words, and we bengang together! mihmihmih.

for real, i can't express whatever i feel directly. it's like, if i'm geram to someone, let's twitter talk. while twitter talk, normally i'm in the middle of crying in the toilet keee...

why toilet eh? that's so cliche place la for me to cry since kecikk. truestory! where else to be hide when your mom change into the monster? TOILETTT.....

the environment teach me to be like this. i'm not pemendam perasaan jugak. neverrr! cuma, jarang meluah masa perasaan dalam 100% is controlled by syaitan!

boleh je kalo nak cerita, nak express semua. but i bet the story will getting melampau or exaggerate. tak pon words dalam tu ada la perkataan yang tak-payah-sebut-adalah-lebih-sopan. gitewww!

sebab tu, sebab tu, sebab tu... I LOVE TO CRY! bcs, that's the only way to make me relief. after relief, no worry the gossip is yours people. alaaa, aku pon bukan ada gosip besaq mana pon. kecik tara kuman jaa. tapi hat aku nangis sat tadi bagi aku is besaq! huwahhh.

plus, memang tak elok pon kan bercakap dengan emosi. apa tu peribahasa tu, 'terlajak kata buruk padahnya'. bahasa kita guna is absolutely represent us! so.... =)

p/s: 'i thought it's family arrange marriage ka apaa.' -mihmihmih. we will laugh together one day while reading this sentence. inshaAllah... =)