Tuesday, 22 January 2013

the sweetness along year 3, semester 1.... (part 1)

Assalamualaikum ;)

too many things happen around this semester. all was the most happiest and memorable. but seems like this semester was going soooo long. became so long bcs as early as the semester start, my PTPTN finished. not la finished all, but half of it i could say. this all bcs the blackberry. nak sangat kan pakai, rasain lah. kih kih.

so for this entry, sementara i have million hours while cuti nih, i would like to share some picts in my phone which told many things about this semester. no worry won't be too long. KOT! bcs, yelaaa kawan-kawan i punya phone canggih-canggih, alya siap ada tab, jiha dah ada dslr. takkan nak keluarkan my super blur blackberry camera pulak kan. so.... ada la few of it. ;)

so my this semester start in not so relax mood. me and jiha have debt with our previous practicum school, so as semester begin, we rushed into the preparation for this. went to the school almost every day, think of the module, develop it, find the friends for facilitators, and alhamdulillah all running smoothly as planned. thank you for thousand times for everyone involved. yang ni serious no pictures. all in jiha's camera. DSLR vs BB, err den tarik diri awal-awal je laa. mihmihmih.

the day we went for further discussion. =)

they are discussing. oh me too discussing. ;)

then.... aaa ada gambar we ate johnny's. yes we went there as PTPTN celebration. kihkih. lepas tu tak dan sebulan masing-masing kering-kontang. celebration lah sangat kannnn.. hahaha.

ahaaa, then i saw the blood donation picture. so, on this semester i done it finally. nih masa KAED fest, last year punya KAED fest i'm giving up sebab SAYA TAKUT JARUM. but this year, with friends support, then i did it. below are the friends word that i can't forget till now....

JIHA: cah tak sakit mana lah. try lah. KALAU AKU BOLEH DERMA, LAMA DAH AKU DERMA. -jiha can't donate sebab tak cukup zat besi ke apa tah. 

HAH: hang buat dulu, esok aku mai pulak. best derma darah ni. rasa fresh ja nanti. jangan takot lah. nothinggg... -she can't do this on this time too. sebab kurang tidor tak silap. 

ALYA: KALAU BUKAN SEKARANG BILA LAGI? -haaa gitew ayat dia. dengarkan ni, berani aku tak derma lagi? siap belanja aku plain water demi nak suruh aku derma. peh! 

so kan, time derma tu, orang lain relax je baring sengsorang, aku....... ada peneman, fotographer, wartawan semua siap. malu ada sikit, tapi aku rasa DISAYANGI. muwah. muwah! korang best!! masa ni umu takde. tak ingat mana dia pegi. haha.

ko ada derma darah bawak supporters? mihmih.

ok naik atas lagi... jumpa gambar raya rumah johan. mak oih sedapnya meatball dia. sampai laa takkan ku lupa. bila boleh ke sana lagi... hmphh.

then, Asli Motivational Clinic. masa ni jadi assistant module. kerja dengan afwan. he's my head. sentak gak urat kepala dok pikiaq module pe sumaa. see, not even once pon ada relax time. mana tak rasa panjang sem nih. hukkkk..

gambar ni je ada through phone. lenlain di kamera jiha. ada je lam pc ni, tapi malas! haha.

scroll atas lagi.... gambar program gemilang. this sem jugak gemilang banyak gils program. yelaa dah nak hujung tahun kan.... but sorry for gemilangians, ada few of it aku tak dak. so sorry! ;(

then jumpa gambar masa convocation. me, alya, hah, jiha be a part-timer dekat stall baju dekat situ. BEST WEY! rasa macam penah citer previous entry. so, we got the feeling and some words from kak yah about business. BESTNYAA! since this lah i had plan to throw myself into business world one day. inshaAllah... =)

hekhemmm! masa ni gak, sebuk temankan si awak shopping for his graduation day. best! and look at the very smart him on his graduation day really makes me melted!! bestnya masa ni!!!! tapi, sorry for not coming to the CAC. i iz segan with your family. huks.

then my birthday. don't get too many meriah celebration pon. cuma ada teman-teman and family di sisi and awak di sisi who always cheer me up. i'm 23. huh. getting older and alhamdulillah masih bernafas, masih gembira sehingga kini. syukurrr. tapi boring lah. sampai 23 pon masih belajar. cepatlahh masa. i want to taste another different color of life. pleaseee...

Big Apple from dayah. celeb kat rumah nenek. apesal aku ada gambar ni je? mana yang lain? stress! haha.

sweet birthday card by him.


and next is... SEMINAR CAREER. oh man, can't tell you how this event kill me a lot. kill me but with the most nice knife. i don't die just like that, but me dying with thousand style! gitewww. since this, i learned photoshop. since this, i know poster, banner, bunting not just stand as it. lots of process, patient need to be with it. at this time, i hold the pub and pro post. don't ask me how long it takes for finish all of that, i can't remember. all i know is, i feel tired but satisfied at the end. eh bila baca balik paragraph ni nampak macam mood tak best pulak. but it's not! believe me, it's best.. i'm enjoy it. manatakenjoysentiasaadatutoryangbestyangsangatsupportive! mih mih mih. yeah, it's YOU! thanks a lot.


dah panjang sangat pulak. berenti dulu lah. nanti sambung. nanti tu bila, itu yang tak tau. harap-harap ada kerajinan la yer. inshaAllah... =)

p/s: tak pasal-pasal kena sambung part 1 kat title tu... hikhik.