Tuesday, 22 January 2013

heart flower with love ;p

Assalamualaikum =)

haa giteww tajuk kan. full of geli-geli and jiwangs! but that's truly express how imma feel right now. having you..... blablablabla.. tak perlu kot tell here about all your best-ness, bcs i'm afraid someone gonna like you same as i do. yer, i em superr jealous type. mih mih mih.

on the FSP, during the dinner time we took photo together. but what a sad, by the time we have chance to snap pictures, camera battery was exhausted. cis, cis. dah la we not even once take picture together along that program. cemburu lettew camera nih.

and umu asked me, where? -she referred to, where nak snap photo lah. guna blackberry cabuk tu jek. huh! i said, first banner, and second is bunting. umu said, sini je? besar tau value banner and bunting ni di mata aku.

bunting usaha sama. =)

and the banner. ;)

we sat almost every night together to finish up this thing. gadoh tak payah cakap lah. bukan gaduh yang serious tu, gadoh main-main. he had the-sumpah-annoying-perangai. which, if there is two choices, he will ask me, "A or B?" let say i chose A he will use B. paneh tak paneh? kira macam whatever choice i made, mesti tak dipilih.

lama-lama macam dah immune, so kalo dia tanya gi tu, i chose the one that i hate, then he will chose another one, so dapat lah apa yang aku nak... ha giteww!

ohhh, choice di atas bermakna every single thing in the banner or bunting or poster lah. contohnya macam font ka, kedudukan logo ka, word selection ka, etc etc.

he really taught me a lot! alhamdulillah laa, along this semester i know pretty well how to use photoshop. tapi tak la expert mana, sikit-sikit tu boleh la. nanti bila lupa, called him. pastu he said, 'u know u had hurt my brain? it's not easy tau nak imagine mana layer tu, ini... blablabla..' mih mih mih. sorry la ya! ;p

masa ni kan, edit-edit je pon, tapi muka serious gils! and ya, he's the one TOO COMMITTED with whatever he does. ;p

tapi kan, kalo dia free jela dia layan pon nak mintak tolong itu ini. busy tengok??? seminggu biar je aku tanpa khabar berita. cis! takpeee, buat la keja tu. takpee, i don't care. takpee 8! haha.

then we did design the FSP t-shirt too. design asal dia la buat. sebab malam i got called from special task mintak tolong buatkan design t-shirt, we at the cafe edu he forced me to do his topical research. cis cis. he said, he prefer most to design whatever things compared to study. haaa, takkan nak bagi dia relax while aku kena busy kan? so, bagi la dia keja. and after got comments and all, we finish it together. and alhamdulillah jugak the hasil was so nice. but sadly we don't take picture together while wearing that baju. sedeyy! ;(

aaaaa, hopefully he's the one for me. pray peeps! hik hik. inshaAllah... =)


p/s: kejam aaaa notification fb aku laa ni asyik pasal FSP saja. cis! btw, feel free to like Finishing School Program 2013. =)