Friday, 25 January 2013


Assalamualaikum =)

"Katakanlah (Muhammad) kepada orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah mereka memaafkan orang-orang yang tidak takut akan hari-hari Allah, kerana Dia akan membalas suatu kaum sesuai dengan apa yang mereka kerjakan..." (Al-Jasiyah: 14)

Masya-Allah... how the Quran is so comprehensive! even this matter also stated there. 

i ever be a person who hard to forgive others. it's like, you do something bad to me, why should i forgive you? but seriously it won't help my feeling pon. the more i feel geram to that person, the more my heart feel sick. bernanah-nanah giteww. exaggerate... 

but till i listen to somewhere about this, then i realize what else to be geram? maap kan saja... kalau perlu dibalas biar Allah buat. siapa kita untuk buat semua tu? perhaps, balasan yang kita cuba buat lebih teruk? bukan lebih berdosa? plus, mana baik mahluk yang merosakkan mahluk yang lain?

so mohon maafkan semua orang yang bersalah banyak atau sikit around you. we would feel better. =)

again, read Quran translation if you have some free time. even it keeps repeating about NERAKA, HELL, etc-etc, that's the best way you can feel you belongs to Allah. =)

p/s: sometimes i don't have enough time for this. HAVE, but i prefer to do the stupid stuff compared to this. kedekut masa beribadah, masa suka-ria tak kedekut pulak. hmphh.