Friday 30 November 2012

conflicts isn't a stupid things

Assalamualaikum =)

tell me who ever be in relationship without conflict? even a kid at home with a mom pon would have conflict. at this age, i start to realize, none of the conflict is stupid IF...

- you think about it and get some lesson from it
- say sorry with brain or... full of realization lah.
- promise for do not make the same mistakes that lead to the same conflict again.

don't be too give up if you keep having conflict with your friends. just again, do learn something from it.

plus, don't be too sad lah, if you can't satisfied you friend. that's nothing pon. don't think too much. bcs, the real girlfriends don't give a damn to the small-little hurts!

BUT, DON'T BACK STABBED YOUR FRIEND, then say sorry as nothing happen. back stabbing... err who cool with it?

do have conflict as a way to know your friend more and more.

ok i need to stop. someone eating durian behind me! the smell is too.............. i want some sisters! can i? ok segan nak cakap, maka cium bau ja la. sobss! oh ya, durian crebe.. tak lah sedap mana. the real durian lagi sedap! nyumahh.


Tuesday 27 November 2012

when people around you is soo nice!

Assalamualaikum =)

this is Tuesday. i em like a primary or secondary students. having a short school holiday with cousin, parents, sibling, emm family lah pendek kata. coincidentally, kelas tetiba cancel. so..... marilah duduk lepak-lepak, sambil makan kek gula hangus, tengok sinetron dengan macik-macik.


pastu tengok laptop kat belakang kosong, mari lah ambil chance untuk apdate blog girlfriends ni kejap. laptop kalau letak kat meja dekat sini jarang lah nak kosong. letak lah empatbelas laptop pon, tak penah kosong. kosong sat ja, sementara depa pi semayang or makan. lepas tu..... macam CC! segala game ada. yes, ma family is full of boys! ;(

kalau yang pompuan-pompuan, selalunya tak habis laa bercerita. pok pek pok pek sampai pagi. macik-macik pulak masing-masing tunjuk skills masak. so what happen to me??

kalau perlu tolong kemas i ringan kan lah tulang, kalau tak perlu..... baring, makan, layan baby yang sporting, kacau budak-budak. macam bosan kan? but that's much more awesome, sebab tak payah baring saja atas katil kat bilik tu, pastu cemuih tak tau nak buat apa.

ok lah. kesian depa astro kena tutup. hujan lebat baq hang. pastu dok mai sendeng-sendeng tepi aku nak laptop.

okbai! =)

gwa dah macam guru rombongan sekolah dah semalam. hahaha. =p


Thursday 15 November 2012

empty chit-chat-girlfriends love it!

Assalamualaikum =)

it's Awal Muharram day. so, happy holiday again. i em really forgot how was the feeling of wake up early in the morning and going to class. why i'm forget? because lot of holidays for this week. since my LE class all cancel, so what else i can say? sleeping all the morning is very heaven told chu!

so, the holiday with the works not a best day you can describe lah. all you can do is just restrain the self for planing out with friends or what. all you can do just... room, works, laptop, break for eating and sleeping and praying and again works.

but.... here i wanna say that how glad i em for having many girlfriends as them! wit wit. with not even going out to anywhere, i can still feel the holiday is kinda short and.... i'm enjoy it.

empty chit-chat- this is what we love to do. normally we take around two hours after dinner, in our small-centre-table, and talking about many things. i don't know what we talking about, but look at the watch, yeah it's almost 2 hours and sometimes it's more than it.

married with who, normal topic. educate future kids, normal topic. what else eh? future career, life.. all is our favorite topic. plus, we come from the very different interest, we have many things to share. even the repeated-hundred-times topics pon, seems like very enjoy to talk about it again and again.

and, because of this also, i em pretty sure that i will miss them after i graduated. huwahh!

wish to see them more and more after graduate later. inshaAllahh...

who's going to get married first? -we always asked. haha. i wish i'm the first, because i'm afraid to lost them. let them lost me, that's okay. haha.

i am getting strong because of you guys! love, love and love. how grateful i em for havig chance to know all of you! -muwah. kahhh, hover tahu?


good friends always put the moral after the story. the moral can make me grow up more and more. and improve slowly. -inshaAllahh.. =)

Wednesday 14 November 2012

aku yang dulu-video making.

Assalamualaikum =)

'kacak luar, kacak dalam, kacak dengar sini....' -ni tetiba keluar dekat playlist song aku kejap tadi. lagu ni popular masa aku second year degree kot. tak sure. but masa tu, jangan kata part kacak ni je aku hafal, habis part rap aku hafal sekali. ala, macam sekarang lah, sekarang trend lagu 'teman pengganti' pulak, hafal lah semua. nanti lupa balik. baik hafal quran. ish ish.

oh apa nak cerita, video making.

ok perangai aku, memang suka buat benda yang untuk ditunjukkan depan orang ramai kot. so mula-mula aku kena movie maker dulu, memang seronok lah. asal ada presentation kat kelas, mesti siap provide video sekali. masa dulu jiha mana ada dslr lagi. pakai camera compact je berlakon semua. masa tu pon muda lagi, commitment lain tak banyak. boleh la nak shooting lama-lama. times change, semua pon busy. kalau sekarang nak ulang macam dulu-dulu wajib tak dapek. sedih, girlfriends! miss this moment. cewah. ni belom grad lagi nih. haha.

ok so, apa kaitan dengan lagu nih?

and i really want, everything that i like, become my friends favorite gak. dan lagi melampau nak bagi kawan satu kelas minat jugak. kah kahh.

so... bila aku buat video, aku letak lah lagu-lagu yang trend pada zaman itu. kalo masa dulu tu, aku letak laa lagu senyum nih, lagu.. emm apa yer. dah tak ingat. but if it's now, maybe aku letak lagu, 'one more night' ke, 'payphone' ke, 'teman pengganti' ke.

masa tu macam puas lah bila ada yang kumat-kamit mulut ikut sekali lagu yang terpasang dekat video tu. lagi best bila dah habis kelas ada orang tanya, apa tajuk lagu tadi? best!

tapi kan.... hard to admit this, but i have to...

sekarang, aku rasa segan! hahaha. yela, orang buat video as assist audience or classmate to understand apa yang kita present, bukan bagi hiburan for nothing. memang la depa enjoy dok tengok video tu, but it gives nothing. segan je ingat-ingat balik. haha.

cemana aku boleh sedar?

long story. nanti lah. nak perabis LE nih sikit lagik. eh, eh macam orang kisah pulak cerita ni habis ka dak. kah kah...

okbai! =)


Tuesday 13 November 2012

kaya? buat-buat kaya?

Assalamualaikum =)

i'm having a converstaion with my brother just now. the topic is kutuk-kutuk sedara dua tiga orang. laju jugak mulut adik aku mengumpat. ohhh.

there are few people who love to show off about their branded stuff. ever met them in your life? never? rugi!

'eh, slow sikit pijak air, kasut i ni bukan murah. crocs 500 tau. ori bhai!'

'aku kalau tengok orang belek tudung kat jalan tar tu, macam nak sedekah duit je. tudung buruk-buruk takde brand pon nak beli. eh pehlis!'

kind of lah.

we agreed that people with this kind of perangai selalunya bukan benaran kaya, baru nak kaya atau buat-buat kaya. sebab tu barang 500 nak riak tak hengat. yer la awok jarang dapat beli kasut 500, sekali beli kena la mention-mention. yer dak?

same goes yang keja nak compared barang dia dengan orang tu. yela, kau dah pakai beg mahal, member sebelah keras je tak perasan, kau pulun lah cari idea nak tunjuk beg mahal kau. dah takde cara, comparing jela best. baru lah rasa puas, plus baru orang nampak beg kau.

branded stuff.....

dalam blog dulu, aku penah cakap branded is shit! membazir semua. but i take that word back lah. memang mahal semua. but, quality tip top. lepas basuh takde la nak longgar sana-sini. sedap je pakai even dah seratus kali basuh. plus, beli barang branded sikit, tahan lah lama, makna kata, tak payah nak beli sepuluh kali, sebab quality tip top.

tapi.... kalau pakai barang branded yang belum tentu duit kau, tak pun belom tentu beli masa new arrival dengan duit sendiri, tak payah nak riak sangat. eh, eh kalau beli pakai duit sendiri pon tak payah riak lah. diam-diam dah. kau mampu, syukur. orang tak mampu, bagi lah kalau kau mampu sangat, nak kutuk-kutuk apesal? sakit?

you know what, people look much more beauty and confidence when they can wear whatever they have and talk in front of the people bravely! compared to muka cun, baju hebat sekali cakap tersekat-sekat, ini macam kaluuu.... tak lah hebat mana pon. pendek kata, brain is important not your look! =)

ehh... dah kat mana saya tadi? jauh dah ni. keh keh.

konklusi, pakai la apa yang mampu. tak payah nak riak sangat kalau kau mampu pon. orang yang gila riak atas apa-apa barang yang dia ada, sebenarnya dia nih insecure type. got nothing but try to have something! pathetic, BOOOOO!

plus, peduli kan lah orang yang gelabah ayam macam ni. biarlah dia terjun dengan sikap ke'insecure'an dia tu. don't compete. be confident on yourself. takde sapa tau kita, kenal kita selain diri kita sendiri.

sekian bebelan tunggu subuh.


p/s: it's been a while for me not going out to the mall, cuci mata semua. damn you works! but... the 4th year life should be more than the previous life lah. more works i mean. so it can be more more memorable! with this, I LOVE WORKS! hahaha. =)

Sunday 11 November 2012

pathetic of you!

Assalamualaikum =)


agreed by us! keh keh.

there is one of our classmate who is a loner. she's not really interested to join our class-event or lepaking. but she loves to hang out with her boyfriend.

but when her boyfriend gone or busy with something, her status facebook is...

'who wants to go out with me?' -dey, find girlfriends, because girlfriends never make you alone!


i love girlfriends!

Assalamualaikum =)

ke'awesome'man pengalaman hidup aku kat universiti ni disebabkan girlfriends (kawan perempuan) yang selalu ada dengan aku. aku perempuan lah. so i really mean kawan perempuan yang selalu ada dengan aku.

so that, because i think there are lots of awesome experience i had gone through with my girlfriends, i want to have a blog which will tell people about my girlfriends or maybe few of related experience we had gone through.

hopefully this blog will not terkubur je nanti. hopefully lah.

this is my third blog btw. kah kah.

okbai! =)