Sunday 22 September 2013

great weekend.

Assalamualaikum =)

kadang - kadang pikir duduk rumah ni memang la tak stady. asyik busy itu ini. sembang, main dengan auni, masak masak makan, tapi..... bila aku imagine aku masuk hostel balik, eh boleh gila. mana nak dapat basuh baju free hari hari. mana nak dapat ada tv, ada budak kecik nakal, ada macik huru hara, ada nenek bising-bising, ahhh sumpah dull gila hidup aku nanti.

oh lupa ada makanan free. muahahaha.

tapi.... macam macam mana pon, aku dah decide nak further kann. just in case tak boleh siap keja sebab busy sangat dengan hiburan hiburan semua ni, makee terpaksa lah kann. but this one later will think about it. =)

so this weekend, full of bless. kelas tuition cancel. mula mula macam nak roger kengkawan ajak lepak. tapi memandangkan..... penat lah, nak gak rasa berehat puas puas so.... CANCEL.

just kelua sikit sikit jek dengan family, bawak auni kecik tu jalan jalan taman. hemak hemak sangat khann kiteww nih.

"dulu dulu dulu ku......" fevret lagu auni. haha.

what with this number two? -auni asking herself. hahaha.

brader goreng pisang kat taman tu selamber jek, "awak kahwin umur berapa? muda lagi dah ada anak...' giteewww!

dia kalo aku dengar jek suara auni tengah halfway baca journal boleh tutup laptop lelaju gik jenguk dia buat apaa. dah nama dia nampak aunty ecah, memang tambah huru hara. selagi aku turun, cahhh cahhh. cahh cahh. so......

gomol gomol sedas. ajak makan kee, main kee, tetiba malam. penattt... ahhh! =(

tapinya aku malas betol laa nak membaca journal ni. tak sampai seru lagi nih.. huwah! bukak jek mengantok. alahai alahai.... =(

ok lah nak pegi iron baju. nak makan. nak....... kena gak baca nih, kang meninggal aku kena sesah dengan lecturer. tajuk tak finalize lagikk. erghh ;(

kbai! =)

p/s: dah latu marah marah. forgive me k? =(

Tuesday 17 September 2013

hati manis

Assalamualaikum =)

# entry macam nak muntah sikit. loya loya tak yah baca la kot. kang bluwerkk! =p

si hati manis yang rajin. haha. I'm glad for having you around me. he read through all the Mara things and said this and that. pastu everytime mengeluh he was like.... "NAK SENANG KENA SUSAH!" okay okay. btw, i post the letter already. =)


IWY! that's it. =)

Friday 13 September 2013


Assalamualaikum =)

this is what exactly i want. tired but.... i feel it awesome!

ah cuma kadang kadang tu... biasa lah.

now i need adjustment. yaaa need it!

apa tu, esok weekend dah start.

takpe la nak kacau ahad, takpe la nak kacau Isnin, tapi esok.....

tolong laa bagi aku rehat lebih sikit.

baju sebakul tak basuh, kerja menimbun dah ni. bukak pon belom. ahh!

so please people.....

yeyeye weekend ni umi dengan abi datang.

kbai penat. =(

Saturday 7 September 2013

relaxing Saturday.

Assalamualaikum =)

hey thereeee! how was your day? Alhamdulillah finally i get one day that i can lying down on the bed, clean up this messy room (not yet fold the baju in the big bag, ahhh), and..... spend few times with family. alhamdulillahhh...

tired? yes it is. but doesn't matter. i enjoy this. ecececeh, belom start kelas enjoy ah. will see after this what happen.

today too many fb friend's getting married ah. congrates too all. when iz our turn? keep praying ya! *talking to myself. haha.

ok ok. motip entry ni bukan pasal nak touching touching pasal orang kawen. motip dia iz....

about my current work. weh, sayang sangat sangat kat kerja sekarang. mana boleh tak sayang, dia macam half of my work pleasure is there.

best dapat jumpa all little cute kids everyday, dapat marah marah suka hati kalo geram nakal sangat, dapat bereksperimen dengan teaching method, content, no body care. as long as the last objectives is achieved. paling aku suka sebab dia about long time planning then it makes my day getting short. in one blink of eyes suddenly its Saturday.

just again, the salary is quite small. huuu.

but never mind ah. sikit pon kalo reti jaga duit inshaAllah, cukuppp. -kata dila, alya. hehe.

tapi.......... seems like i'm having little difficulties later when my class start. ahh tak nak pikir. kalau boleh memang nak dua dua. nak keja nak belaja. best! just the distance is quite far. energy? inshaAllah boleh be moreeee discipline.

pray for me! =)

ok la. dorang ajak keluar makan pulak. baru nak bebel panjang lagi. kbai. kbai. =)

Monday 2 September 2013

the entry later lah if got time. muahahaha. =)


ni blog kak elly. aku suka baca sebab dia ringan and so inspired.

i wish one day my life would be like her. and i wish one day she will be moreee closer to Allah. aminnn.

eh pegi lah klik link tu. awak tu pon pegi klik link tu and read. ada motip i asked u to read. for sureee! mih mih.


baby are you down down down down down?



very down. deeeeep down.

i really wish this one is one of my ending career, but......

'it could be the thing that we loved most, is not good for us, only Allah know'

so... in the middle of fighting with my inner me.

REDHA, ACCEPT. as simple as the word, as easy as to say. but not easy to do.

inshaAllahhh, i'm still fighting and accepting everything now. Allah helps me.... hmph

i don't know this is the right choice or not. now i'm a middle of arranging my further study plan. i wish this is the right choice. BISMILLAHHH......  =)