Saturday 7 September 2013

relaxing Saturday.

Assalamualaikum =)

hey thereeee! how was your day? Alhamdulillah finally i get one day that i can lying down on the bed, clean up this messy room (not yet fold the baju in the big bag, ahhh), and..... spend few times with family. alhamdulillahhh...

tired? yes it is. but doesn't matter. i enjoy this. ecececeh, belom start kelas enjoy ah. will see after this what happen.

today too many fb friend's getting married ah. congrates too all. when iz our turn? keep praying ya! *talking to myself. haha.

ok ok. motip entry ni bukan pasal nak touching touching pasal orang kawen. motip dia iz....

about my current work. weh, sayang sangat sangat kat kerja sekarang. mana boleh tak sayang, dia macam half of my work pleasure is there.

best dapat jumpa all little cute kids everyday, dapat marah marah suka hati kalo geram nakal sangat, dapat bereksperimen dengan teaching method, content, no body care. as long as the last objectives is achieved. paling aku suka sebab dia about long time planning then it makes my day getting short. in one blink of eyes suddenly its Saturday.

just again, the salary is quite small. huuu.

but never mind ah. sikit pon kalo reti jaga duit inshaAllah, cukuppp. -kata dila, alya. hehe.

tapi.......... seems like i'm having little difficulties later when my class start. ahh tak nak pikir. kalau boleh memang nak dua dua. nak keja nak belaja. best! just the distance is quite far. energy? inshaAllah boleh be moreeee discipline.

pray for me! =)

ok la. dorang ajak keluar makan pulak. baru nak bebel panjang lagi. kbai. kbai. =)