Monday 28 January 2013

how i missed

make jokes, laughing with them at the.......

eating together, tease the boys and laugh.

talking about me, them, work, malaysiakini, news, bla bla bla.

lipat kain while watching the stupid-malaysian-drama.

eat everything in the table.

in short be a me again! but i can't heal my own wound. the deep wound cause the dark blood... aaa i could say tears. hmphhh.

this is why i'm crying again and again. what's a _________________________ (you name it) holidays. hmphh.

the truth!

'wey free tak? nak suruh kau counseling aku sikit nih....'

'ecah (family-call-this), meh la dengar cerita mak ******, nak dengar pendapat ko pasal ni.. ko kan amik kaunseling.. kot boleh tolong kainseling kee...'

'tanya-tanya la adik ko tu kenapa. ko kan amik kaunseling kot boleh tolong nasihat...'

the most common sentence i need to listen almost every day.

tak fed up pon. tak boring pon. tak menyampah pon. serius!

because i had turn the word counseling to gossip! mihmihmih...

'wey free tak? nak gosip sikit nih.'

'cikgu saya nak mintak kaunseling sikit...'

haa giteww kan tak stress! gosip laa, gosip lah.


Sunday 27 January 2013

because i won't

'will text you later, i'm not in the good mood'
'tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me....' -of course it's not just this, he always playing with the words, and we bengang together! mihmihmih.

for real, i can't express whatever i feel directly. it's like, if i'm geram to someone, let's twitter talk. while twitter talk, normally i'm in the middle of crying in the toilet keee...

why toilet eh? that's so cliche place la for me to cry since kecikk. truestory! where else to be hide when your mom change into the monster? TOILETTT.....

the environment teach me to be like this. i'm not pemendam perasaan jugak. neverrr! cuma, jarang meluah masa perasaan dalam 100% is controlled by syaitan!

boleh je kalo nak cerita, nak express semua. but i bet the story will getting melampau or exaggerate. tak pon words dalam tu ada la perkataan yang tak-payah-sebut-adalah-lebih-sopan. gitewww!

sebab tu, sebab tu, sebab tu... I LOVE TO CRY! bcs, that's the only way to make me relief. after relief, no worry the gossip is yours people. alaaa, aku pon bukan ada gosip besaq mana pon. kecik tara kuman jaa. tapi hat aku nangis sat tadi bagi aku is besaq! huwahhh.

plus, memang tak elok pon kan bercakap dengan emosi. apa tu peribahasa tu, 'terlajak kata buruk padahnya'. bahasa kita guna is absolutely represent us! so.... =)

p/s: 'i thought it's family arrange marriage ka apaa.' -mihmihmih. we will laugh together one day while reading this sentence. inshaAllah... =)


there is a time you stuck into something.
struggle for the ways...
all you got is failed. failed. failed.

there is a time you hope into something.
never giving up..
all you got is disappointed. disappointed. disappointed.


who can look around and think while they are in the worst mood?
in the condition where they think they are the worst creature?
in the mood of swear to god this is her last for this and that?

cry baby. cry for make the tears out of you.
cry baby. lets the tears dry on your cheek.
cry baby. make your eyes tired and close and sleep. have a nice dream.

once you wake up, makes the fully WAKE UP!
shout to yourself, that's me last night.
the last-night-me gone, went farrr in the dream.

today, i am a new born person.
getting strong baby.
if you not live for pleased you, who else you wanna pleased?

with this short life, maybe long we don't know, makes everything as your wish!
stop relying on people.
stand using your own foot.
stand using your own brain.

if they can, why we can't?


Friday 25 January 2013


Assalamualaikum =)

"Katakanlah (Muhammad) kepada orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah mereka memaafkan orang-orang yang tidak takut akan hari-hari Allah, kerana Dia akan membalas suatu kaum sesuai dengan apa yang mereka kerjakan..." (Al-Jasiyah: 14)

Masya-Allah... how the Quran is so comprehensive! even this matter also stated there. 

i ever be a person who hard to forgive others. it's like, you do something bad to me, why should i forgive you? but seriously it won't help my feeling pon. the more i feel geram to that person, the more my heart feel sick. bernanah-nanah giteww. exaggerate... 

but till i listen to somewhere about this, then i realize what else to be geram? maap kan saja... kalau perlu dibalas biar Allah buat. siapa kita untuk buat semua tu? perhaps, balasan yang kita cuba buat lebih teruk? bukan lebih berdosa? plus, mana baik mahluk yang merosakkan mahluk yang lain?

so mohon maafkan semua orang yang bersalah banyak atau sikit around you. we would feel better. =)

again, read Quran translation if you have some free time. even it keeps repeating about NERAKA, HELL, etc-etc, that's the best way you can feel you belongs to Allah. =)

p/s: sometimes i don't have enough time for this. HAVE, but i prefer to do the stupid stuff compared to this. kedekut masa beribadah, masa suka-ria tak kedekut pulak. hmphh.

Thursday 24 January 2013

tak boleh sentap.

Assalamualaikum =)

'kau makin gemok sekarang! macam tak muat baju dah aku tengok.'

'masak tak sedap la. tengok satu pinggan je boleh makan.'

'amik charger tepi kati bongok!'

blah, blah, blah.

again, what to expect all boys in this house besides me and my mom. memang tak payah nak sentap ka santap. no body would treat you anje anje giteww. 

that is why, for some reason i don't know how to treat my girlfriends manja-manja. till need to have blog as a way to express few things! same goes to awak jugak. susah oh nak wanita-kan diri dalam bahasa. learning. mih mih.

'birthday kau bila? tak kisah la. happy birthday utuk setahun!' okfineeee!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

my 2013 wish...

Assalamualaikum =)

amin kan tolong laa amin kann...

this is really make me nerve to the max. i can't even miss a step pon in this, bcs it's so interrelated with other-other hope that i wish. 

i don't know what are the deal in front of me. i don't know how hard it might be. i don't know anything.. all that i know, PLAN, PREPARE, DOA.... that's too dark till me can't see any of it pon. 

why don't rest a month? nahhh, i got too many rest since duluuuu, dulu ni count since baby, sampai sekaranggg.. i think i'm too old to have any rest dah. bukan tak sabar nak pegang duit ke apa, (ada la jugak tak sabar around 10%) but most of it, dah tak sabar nak berenti jadi tanggungan umi dengan abi. kesian dorang, dah 50+ dah. but me still... like a small baby, begging for money, money, money... urgh!

so.... hopefully this plan go well. inshaAllahh.... i will give my best. as best as i had. inshaAllah..... =)

okbai! =)

aaaaa.. boleh tak nak update lagi?

Assalamualaikum =)

what got into me eh? for this semester break kan, i have less interest into social networking, less interest to meet friends, less interest to stay at the living room sembang and all. dia macam lepak kejap, dah gelak-gelak sikit, pastu naik bilik. apa sudah terjadi??

so this is my favorite space laa kat rumah ni. got stick into this, sampai tak boleh nak tinggalkannya. hikhik.

dengan my little brother (little mende dah form 1) pon dah masuk sekolah menengah, which he had many homeworks, dah tak nak main-main sangat bila aku ajak main game semua. dengan umi and abi baru awal tahun tengah try to adapt dengan many things. like balik keja pukul berapa, makan pukul berapa, amik adik aku pukul berapa, blahblahblah. so i'm kind of sunyi la sikit. oh ya tak lupa juga dengan liga afrika lah, liga malaysia lah yang melambak, juga membuatkan aku boring. what to expect? the house is conquered by the man. pasrahhhh!

ni gambo keluar makan tadi. macam pendidikan khas dah aku tengok dee ni. dia memang, gemar bergaya cat cat bila bergambo. geram je tengok.

tapi senanya aku sendiri pon nak space kejap. space untuk kemaskan folder-folder laptop yang bersepah. space untuk siapkan few chapter for my research (eceh cerita, padahal satu haram tak start lagi, haha), space untuk bersendirian kejap. sebab tu even nampak macam boring laa lepak bilik je, but me feel BEST. tau tak tetiba je dah malam. tetiba je dah pagi. tetiba je kang dah habis cuti. isk isk.

dia macam rasa nak duduk rumah je. kalo betol-betol pon aku nak keluar sekarang, aku nak jusco aeon je. nak tengok sale apa yang best. tapi... aku kan baloq liat. takpee, next week la buat benda tu. kata sales sampai raya cina. hehe. kalo rumah aku ada sogo kan best.

alaa sogo.... teringat tim. next sem tim dah takde. sapa nak rancang jadual lepak-lepak we'ols? sapa nak masak-masak cucur dengan bihun kat bilik? sapa nak bawak ayam rendang, sambal taun sumaa? huwahhhh! sedey wey sedey! tapi aku cuba untuk tak fikir dan cuma hadapi. tapi.... ala mana boleh. small part of my brain mesti pikir punya. tetambah lagi nanti bukak sem aku kena balik sorang dari manjung sampai gombak. salu amik tim kat sungai besar! sedih woi. sumpahhh! ;(

'meremang la doh!' she said. aku, sekali ni jek cium, sekali ni jeee... haha. we will miss you tim! huwahhh.

we on the FSP dinner. masa ni sedih. we can't even spend time together. gila busy aku ni. dorang pon... lelah penat. balik hotel teros pengsan. 

tapi itu lah pertemuan. pasti ada perpisahan. aku dah la jenis kalo dah habis masa berkawan dengan seseorang tu, habis masa tu macam dah habis belaja ke apa ke, aku tak reti dah nak sembang macam dulu balik. ini masalah aku yang sangat besar! dia kan macam, kalo aku kenal A masa program ABC. masa program gila bapak rapat. habis program dah pisah-pisah, aku jadi kekok. rasa macam tak reti. oh tapi sebenarnya, aku memang payah nak communicate dengan orang yang aku kenal secara live melalui fb. dia macam.... susahnya nak chat dengan ko! i prefer to sembang depan-depan.

masalahnya nak sembang depan-depan tu yang payah nak dapat. sebabnya aku ni pemalas. hahaha. aku malas nak keluar pegi mana-mana kalo kena gerak sorang-sorang and meet that person halfway. like dia tunggu TS aku gik TS sorang-sorang. memang takkan jumpa la gi tu jawapnya! hahaha. itu malas yang takpe lagi. but sometimes, aku memang malas nak keluar jumpa kawan-kawan sangat. dia macam dah penat sangat dah berkawan, nak baring je rasa. nak tidor je rasa. haha.

sebab tu aku salute dengan orang yang sanggup buat apa saja demi kawan. sanggup gik penang jumpa kawan tu, pegi johor jumpa kawan ni. kalau aku.... alahai, veratnya vontot. nak tido jugak. tido je best. lol.

dah melalut ke laut. bukan selalu aku nak rasa blog ni penting. ni dah ada rasa baik aku update je. plus i know i have a stalker. kan awak kan? mih mih. sekali awak pon muak baca panjang-panjang. ha ha ha.

okbai! =)

Tuesday 22 January 2013

heart flower with love ;p

Assalamualaikum =)

haa giteww tajuk kan. full of geli-geli and jiwangs! but that's truly express how imma feel right now. having you..... blablablabla.. tak perlu kot tell here about all your best-ness, bcs i'm afraid someone gonna like you same as i do. yer, i em superr jealous type. mih mih mih.

on the FSP, during the dinner time we took photo together. but what a sad, by the time we have chance to snap pictures, camera battery was exhausted. cis, cis. dah la we not even once take picture together along that program. cemburu lettew camera nih.

and umu asked me, where? -she referred to, where nak snap photo lah. guna blackberry cabuk tu jek. huh! i said, first banner, and second is bunting. umu said, sini je? besar tau value banner and bunting ni di mata aku.

bunting usaha sama. =)

and the banner. ;)

we sat almost every night together to finish up this thing. gadoh tak payah cakap lah. bukan gaduh yang serious tu, gadoh main-main. he had the-sumpah-annoying-perangai. which, if there is two choices, he will ask me, "A or B?" let say i chose A he will use B. paneh tak paneh? kira macam whatever choice i made, mesti tak dipilih.

lama-lama macam dah immune, so kalo dia tanya gi tu, i chose the one that i hate, then he will chose another one, so dapat lah apa yang aku nak... ha giteww!

ohhh, choice di atas bermakna every single thing in the banner or bunting or poster lah. contohnya macam font ka, kedudukan logo ka, word selection ka, etc etc.

he really taught me a lot! alhamdulillah laa, along this semester i know pretty well how to use photoshop. tapi tak la expert mana, sikit-sikit tu boleh la. nanti bila lupa, called him. pastu he said, 'u know u had hurt my brain? it's not easy tau nak imagine mana layer tu, ini... blablabla..' mih mih mih. sorry la ya! ;p

masa ni kan, edit-edit je pon, tapi muka serious gils! and ya, he's the one TOO COMMITTED with whatever he does. ;p

tapi kan, kalo dia free jela dia layan pon nak mintak tolong itu ini. busy tengok??? seminggu biar je aku tanpa khabar berita. cis! takpeee, buat la keja tu. takpee, i don't care. takpee 8! haha.

then we did design the FSP t-shirt too. design asal dia la buat. sebab malam i got called from special task mintak tolong buatkan design t-shirt, we at the cafe edu he forced me to do his topical research. cis cis. he said, he prefer most to design whatever things compared to study. haaa, takkan nak bagi dia relax while aku kena busy kan? so, bagi la dia keja. and after got comments and all, we finish it together. and alhamdulillah jugak the hasil was so nice. but sadly we don't take picture together while wearing that baju. sedeyy! ;(

aaaaa, hopefully he's the one for me. pray peeps! hik hik. inshaAllah... =)


p/s: kejam aaaa notification fb aku laa ni asyik pasal FSP saja. cis! btw, feel free to like Finishing School Program 2013. =)

the sweetness along year 3, semester 1.... (part 1)

Assalamualaikum ;)

too many things happen around this semester. all was the most happiest and memorable. but seems like this semester was going soooo long. became so long bcs as early as the semester start, my PTPTN finished. not la finished all, but half of it i could say. this all bcs the blackberry. nak sangat kan pakai, rasain lah. kih kih.

so for this entry, sementara i have million hours while cuti nih, i would like to share some picts in my phone which told many things about this semester. no worry won't be too long. KOT! bcs, yelaaa kawan-kawan i punya phone canggih-canggih, alya siap ada tab, jiha dah ada dslr. takkan nak keluarkan my super blur blackberry camera pulak kan. so.... ada la few of it. ;)

so my this semester start in not so relax mood. me and jiha have debt with our previous practicum school, so as semester begin, we rushed into the preparation for this. went to the school almost every day, think of the module, develop it, find the friends for facilitators, and alhamdulillah all running smoothly as planned. thank you for thousand times for everyone involved. yang ni serious no pictures. all in jiha's camera. DSLR vs BB, err den tarik diri awal-awal je laa. mihmihmih.

the day we went for further discussion. =)

they are discussing. oh me too discussing. ;)

then.... aaa ada gambar we ate johnny's. yes we went there as PTPTN celebration. kihkih. lepas tu tak dan sebulan masing-masing kering-kontang. celebration lah sangat kannnn.. hahaha.

ahaaa, then i saw the blood donation picture. so, on this semester i done it finally. nih masa KAED fest, last year punya KAED fest i'm giving up sebab SAYA TAKUT JARUM. but this year, with friends support, then i did it. below are the friends word that i can't forget till now....

JIHA: cah tak sakit mana lah. try lah. KALAU AKU BOLEH DERMA, LAMA DAH AKU DERMA. -jiha can't donate sebab tak cukup zat besi ke apa tah. 

HAH: hang buat dulu, esok aku mai pulak. best derma darah ni. rasa fresh ja nanti. jangan takot lah. nothinggg... -she can't do this on this time too. sebab kurang tidor tak silap. 

ALYA: KALAU BUKAN SEKARANG BILA LAGI? -haaa gitew ayat dia. dengarkan ni, berani aku tak derma lagi? siap belanja aku plain water demi nak suruh aku derma. peh! 

so kan, time derma tu, orang lain relax je baring sengsorang, aku....... ada peneman, fotographer, wartawan semua siap. malu ada sikit, tapi aku rasa DISAYANGI. muwah. muwah! korang best!! masa ni umu takde. tak ingat mana dia pegi. haha.

ko ada derma darah bawak supporters? mihmih.

ok naik atas lagi... jumpa gambar raya rumah johan. mak oih sedapnya meatball dia. sampai laa takkan ku lupa. bila boleh ke sana lagi... hmphh.

then, Asli Motivational Clinic. masa ni jadi assistant module. kerja dengan afwan. he's my head. sentak gak urat kepala dok pikiaq module pe sumaa. see, not even once pon ada relax time. mana tak rasa panjang sem nih. hukkkk..

gambar ni je ada through phone. lenlain di kamera jiha. ada je lam pc ni, tapi malas! haha.

scroll atas lagi.... gambar program gemilang. this sem jugak gemilang banyak gils program. yelaa dah nak hujung tahun kan.... but sorry for gemilangians, ada few of it aku tak dak. so sorry! ;(

then jumpa gambar masa convocation. me, alya, hah, jiha be a part-timer dekat stall baju dekat situ. BEST WEY! rasa macam penah citer previous entry. so, we got the feeling and some words from kak yah about business. BESTNYAA! since this lah i had plan to throw myself into business world one day. inshaAllah... =)

hekhemmm! masa ni gak, sebuk temankan si awak shopping for his graduation day. best! and look at the very smart him on his graduation day really makes me melted!! bestnya masa ni!!!! tapi, sorry for not coming to the CAC. i iz segan with your family. huks.

then my birthday. don't get too many meriah celebration pon. cuma ada teman-teman and family di sisi and awak di sisi who always cheer me up. i'm 23. huh. getting older and alhamdulillah masih bernafas, masih gembira sehingga kini. syukurrr. tapi boring lah. sampai 23 pon masih belajar. cepatlahh masa. i want to taste another different color of life. pleaseee...

Big Apple from dayah. celeb kat rumah nenek. apesal aku ada gambar ni je? mana yang lain? stress! haha.

sweet birthday card by him.


and next is... SEMINAR CAREER. oh man, can't tell you how this event kill me a lot. kill me but with the most nice knife. i don't die just like that, but me dying with thousand style! gitewww. since this, i learned photoshop. since this, i know poster, banner, bunting not just stand as it. lots of process, patient need to be with it. at this time, i hold the pub and pro post. don't ask me how long it takes for finish all of that, i can't remember. all i know is, i feel tired but satisfied at the end. eh bila baca balik paragraph ni nampak macam mood tak best pulak. but it's not! believe me, it's best.. i'm enjoy it. manatakenjoysentiasaadatutoryangbestyangsangatsupportive! mih mih mih. yeah, it's YOU! thanks a lot.


dah panjang sangat pulak. berenti dulu lah. nanti sambung. nanti tu bila, itu yang tak tau. harap-harap ada kerajinan la yer. inshaAllah... =)

p/s: tak pasal-pasal kena sambung part 1 kat title tu... hikhik.

Sunday 20 January 2013

what should i write?

Assalamualaikum =)

telling u that i will write the entry everyday really acquired me to plan few things. haha. but it's not as hard as plan for the life lah, just small plan, ya like what should i write, what's the topic, etc. eheh, dunno why, when it comes to give something to you, i want to give my best. ewah kemain! mih mih.

playing sweet, make me move like a freak, IT'S REALLY YOU! ;p

okayy. so, the FSP done. mix feeling currently with me. aaaa, best for some reasons, sad for some reasons too. it's like 50-50 lah. but, deep in my heart i am so sad for letting the IPTA program with comrade. if i know it turns to be like this..... hmphh. but, no if lah, Allah knows better. inshaAllahh..

so now i'm home. with few wish list. memain haa, dok rumah pon ada wish list. nak jogging, i bring my sport shoe hokay, at least 50kg. please not more than it, i can bear that. yes they tell me i'm thin, but with 50++ i can't walk as confident as i can be. huks! then, nak compile few modules for first-time-in-class. then, nak review sesikit skills counseling which i left them all in a paper, not even one in the brain. isk! and.... upload all the fsp pictures in the page. inshaAllah...

ok bai! =)

i wrote, and eat and going down playing with dee and called him and all... till i dunno what am i wrote? muahaha. so no picts. malas!

Sunday 13 January 2013

the few days left.


Masya-Allah letihnya lately. bukan letih bekerja apa pon, letih mengspend time dengan kengkawan, hati manis semua. busy dia wa cakap lu, kaki den sombuh pon tak sompek!

this is tim last semester so we should spend more and more time lah together. lepas ni payah dah nak duduk makan-makan. tapi nasib tim rumah dekat jek. iA bakal ketemu lagi afta this. inshaAllah. with the big hope nih dapat jumpa lagi. serius.

lepas tu..... FSP is around the corner. this is one of our big event lah as counseling student. this class or task or... emm responsibility given to us is the most memorable lah jugak in undergrad life nih. mana tak memorable, we give LOTS and Alhamdulillah also get  LOTS! hopefully bermanfaat lah.

banyak sesangat benda nak tulis. semua manis-manis, semua indah-indah. the bitter side tu ada la jugak, tapi dah kata busy mana sempat nak ambik port. tak dan nak pikir benda-benda tak best pon. hikhiks!

hopefully cuti nanti sempat lah nak bertuliskan semua tu. sebab aku ni memory low. kalo tak tulis susah nak ingat. so inshaAllah harapnya. tapi.... cuti ni perlu sediakan diri dengan something very the boring thing next sem. it's internship! huwahh. why i need to be a teacher?

susahnya nak bangun awal, susahnya nak pretend as interested with the assembly, act matured in front of student, watch the word, be sooo polite with other teachers, staff, admins, all school community lah, emmm do the reports preparation, aaa having a session! man i hate that!!! ;(

tapi kadang-kadang sesuatu yang dibenci tu la yang terbaik buat kita kan? hoping for that..... aminnn.

dah laa. gtg. baju taj basuh, bilik tak kemas, serba tidak terurus! sobs. ;(


Friday 4 January 2013

hekhemmmm! so hi 2013... =)

Assalamualaikum =)

tengok orang update post new year, rasa macam nak jugak lah. bosan lah study EAW tu. tu laaa tulis notes macam harr, pastu nak baca tak paham. mana atas, mana bawah. semua tak paham. grr

aaaaa, so my starting of 2013 was soooo nice, best, happening, emmm enjoyable all the best word in the world la i could say. alaaa, of course lah bukan macam orang lain yang bertunang ke, kahwin ke. me just biasa-biasa bagi kamu, but luar biasa bagi saya. haha, hover giteww luar biasa. tak lah luar biasa, cuma kebiasaan yang gembira. apa ni? apa ni? paham ke? hahaha.

same as last year, we are having the BBQ as the new year celebration. with the same girlfriends, same foods, almost same activities but with different feeling. why different? aaaaa, bcs this is our last new year celebration together. lepas ni semua dah grad, semua dah pergi jauh-jauh, ada family, kerja pe suma. so.....

APA JADI EH 2014 nanti? -awak kata nak teman kan next year punya new year? kan? we'll see... kah kah.

my 2012.... emm nothing so damn special, but still special lah. mana tak special, sentiasa berada bersama orang-orang yang special!!! dalam tak sabar nak 2013, nak rasa pengalaman baru, lain dari sebelum-sebelum nih, honestly berat jugak nak tinggal 2012. kalau korang tau betapa aku sayang GFs aku, mesti tau kenapa berat je nak tinggal 2012.

malas nak ulang cerita sedih bersama GFs lagik. pandai lah cari yang lepas-lepas. err, ada ka yang nak carik? muehehehe.

maleh nak buat resolution apa-apa. sebab.... cuma harapnya, iA akan ada banyak masa untuk persediaan ke dunia yang lebih lama kita akan hidup.

ahah, nak share! tau tak susah nak solat awal waktu, nak bangun semayang sunat, nak maintain mengaji hari-hari, nak buat perkara-perkara baik? bagi aku lah. susah sangat-sangat. till one day i read one of Quran translation, tak ingat ayat apa. lebih kurang cam ni lah, 'takkan tanpa persediaan kita berani balik ke sana? seburuk-buruk tempat kembali manusia adalah neraka.' dengan description neraka dalam Quran yang sangat dahsyat, serius gerun. semoga bukan itu tempat kembali kita. aminnn.... -tapi kadang-kadang kantoi jugak. masih ada lopong sana-sini. itu yang tengah cuba tampal. so, ini je azam aku untuk tahun ni. semoga kuat.

boleh tak nak harap by the end of this year i'm no longer a single woman? kah kah. tapi, tu laa, jodoh mati hidup rahsia Allah. doa tak penah putus, moga dimakbulkan. aminnn. -ok geli sangat-sangat yang nih. tapi harapan biarlah setinggi gunung yer dak? at least ada gak rasa nak mendaki. hiks!

ok laa. malas la nak letak gambar. nanti lah tunggu rajin. memang tak rajin dah kot. busy! busy! busy! busy nak habiskan cerita BAD GUY. hahaha. few works before the exam, and start new mood for FSP! pastu rehat tak sat, internship. damn, most nervous thing i could say!!

jangan pikir, jangan pikir. LALUI! =)
