Tuesday, 9 April 2013

hey ya!

Assalamualaikum =)

this is my super busy week. cewah cewah. we ( me and jiha) will conducting the explorace, which the main committee only both of us. we prepare the module, we buy the things, prepare the things, gather the participants, while dealing with other other commitment. like relief class, find client, finishing our last semester project. oh ya one more thing, MINGGU ANTI-DADAH.

this is the time when i do feel like, why it's only 7 hours eh at school? i need 14 hours! all going so fast. till... ya we didn't meet the principal yet. can't find the very free time for meet all the helpers for this running man program. banyak lagi lah tak buat. barang tak beli lagi.

sampai kan tadi itew tidor termimpi lupa bawak botol untuk satu game dalam explorace ni. Masya-Allah tersentak beb tido iteww! committed kann, tido pon termimpi-mimpi. muahaha.

even the school program normally it just like, asal-ada, i really want to make this, our program, as the 'real program'. with the big hope like students are satisfied, objective are achievable, information are really with them and all.

but ya, do something as what we able to do, don't burden ourselves. BUT....

for me, burden ourselves first with the all best effort we could do, then..... doa banyak-banyak kat Allah with the hope all can happen as planned and later let the perancangan Allah tetapkan segalanya.

inshaAllah, kalau niat baik, tak langgar mana-mana garis panduan yang ditetapkan-Nya, all will go as planned. inshaAllah.... aminn.

ini jela kot. catatan untuk hari ni. ni tengah buat list of structuring before the program.

even the busy seems so suck like.... you can't sleep pretty much tight, but hey life is just once, so.... BE HAPPY WITH ALL THESE COMPACT THINGS! at least with this life you experienced a lot. yeah  A LOT! -syukur Allah for all these chances you given to me.

random sikit:
- aku dah jadi cikgu yang garang. sorry students doesn't mean i hate u guys, but with the works overload, plus I REALLY WANT U GUYS BE A PEOPLE, that is why laa me turn to monster.
- harini baru teringat nak bukak fb 'orang tu'. seriously FB is not his thing.then what did you do eh along a day? stalking? working on your design je ke? or GAMING? i bet game. perhaps. haha
- money flow so fast on this CUTE APRIL. i iz sad. iskk.
- can't really find the time to send the resume lah. kadang-kadang je sempat. patutnya one a day. huwah! Allah, mudahkan semuanya lepas ni. Aminn.

okbai! =)